Home Motivation Is It Your Boyfriend’s Birthday? We’ve Got You Covered With These 27 Unique And Fun Birthday Ideas

Is It Your Boyfriend’s Birthday? We’ve Got You Covered With These 27 Unique And Fun Birthday Ideas

Is It Your Boyfriend’s Birthday? We’ve Got You Covered With These 27 Unique And Fun Birthday Ideas


So your boyfriend’s birthday is coming up, and you want to do something that will bring you closer – something that shows him how much you love him. 

Something as special as he is. 

You want it to be fun for both of you, within your budget, and memorable.

But coming up with original ideas to fit all of that can feel overwhelming. 

Stress not!

We’ve got you covered with this list of things to do for your boyfriend’s birthday. 

27 Unique and Fun Birthday Ideas for Your Boyfriend

Whether you’re looking for fun, sweet, romantic, or cute things to do for your boyfriend’s birthday, you’re sure to find something from the list below.

Use them as is or, if necessary, tweak them to fit your personalities and lifestyles. Either way, he’s sure to love you even more for caring so much.

1. Create a choose-your-own-adventure day.

Have you ever heard of the children’s choose your own adventure books, also known as gamebooks? They’re stories that allow the reader to participate by choosing what happens next. So you determine the plot.

For a super cool birthday present, present him with choices on how his day plays out from beginning to end. Include options for things like what and where you eat as well as different activities you can do.

Keep it simple, or get super creative. Either way, he will love that he gets to choose without having to come up with ideas or plans.

2. Play his favorite video games.

Are there any sports or role-playing games he absolutely loves? Instead of disappearing during his Xbox time, play with him!

man kisses his girlfriend birthday ideas for boyfriend

Make his day by spending the evening joining in on the video game fun. For bonus points, learn about the game to gain a basic understanding of what’s going on. 

You can also invite friends over to all play together. This is sure to create plenty of laughs and good times!

3. Take a class together.

Think about the things he loves to do and search the internet for a local class or workshop you can attend together. 

Need some ideas?

Consider cooking, painting, dancing, weight lifting, massage, mixology, acting, pottery, wine or beer making, meditation, yoga, creative writing, photography, foreign language, upcycling, knitting, golf, or scuba diving. 

You get the idea– the possibilities are endless. 

4. Order a subscription box.

Whether you choose one month, three months, or a whole year, the cool thing about this is he’ll get mail that isn’t a bill! Not to mention it keeps his birthday celebration going long after the day has passed.

The possibilities are endless here, too. It can be related to eating, drinking, grooming, dressing, etc. Do a simple Google search for “subscription box boyfriend birthday ideas,” and you’ll surely find hundreds to choose from. 

5. Get a couple’s massage.

Who says massages are just for women? Many men love to be pampered as well. A couple’s massage not only lowers stress and anxiety for both of you but also increases feelings of affection and connection and encourages intimacy.

So book a couple’s massage at a nearby day spa. Or find massage therapists that come to you and do it in the privacy of your own home. 

6. Explore the outdoors.

What better way to spend the day than in the great outdoors? You can tailor it to his tastes and make it as active or inactive as you like. 

Consider going on a hike, packing a picnic, renting a boat, taking a long bike ride, or trekking to the beach for the day. Invite some friends to tag along or make it an intimate outing for two.

Whatever you choose, being in nature is good for the soul!

7. Follow a vineyard or craft brewery trail.

Most cities and towns have a Chamber of Commerce or other local organizations that host winery or brewery trails. Or you can search the internet for a list according to your preference and spend a day visiting a few you haven’t been to before.

Tour the facilities. Share a flight of your favorite brews or a bottle of wine. Many serve their own food, host food trucks, or allow you to bring food in. 

8. Recreate your first date.

As a sweet gesture for his birthday, think back to how you met or the things you did on your first date. Recapture the magic and do them again. 

girl treats her boyfriend to a massage birthday ideas for boyfriend

Hit up the same restaurant, movie theater, or sporting event. Order the same food and drinks. Listen to the same band.

If you can’t revisit the exact places, make it as close as possible.

9. Have a lazy day.

Adult life means there’s always something that needs to be done – work, school, family, home, etc. Instead of adding even more things to your to-do list, consider spending the day doing absolutely nothing. 

Let him enjoy his birthday free of worries. Stay home, order takeout, watch movies, and just be together without worrying about all the stuff you have to do. 

10. Create a special playlist.

Try the 21st Century’s version of a mixed tape for a simple, cost-effective birthday idea. Come up with a list of meaningful songs and create a special playlist for him.

Include things like the first song you danced to, what was playing the first time you said I love you, songs from the first concert you attended together, or whatever else holds meaning to your relationship. Choose a mix of slow, sweet, and romantic as well as upbeat and fun.

11. Make him breakfast in bed.

What better way to wake up than not having to prepare your own coffee and eggs? Ask him what he’d like the night before and let him know he can sleep in on his special day. Or get up before him and make it a surprise. 

If breakfast isn’t possible, consider preparing his favorite dinner. And don’t worry if you’re not a Top Chef. This sweet gesture will more than make up for your lack of kitchen know-how. 

12. Give him a sexy dance.

You’d be hard-pressed to find a man who wouldn’t appreciate the woman he loves performing a lap dance or a strip tease for him– especially on his birthday! 

Don’t worry if you don’t know how to do one. You can learn how to do anything on the internet for free. If you’re feeling a little insecure, get plenty of practice beforehand to up your confidence come performance time. 

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13. Write him a letter.

You know how much your beau means to you, but does he? Communication is sometimes tricky business. 

You don’t have to be a novelist to jot down your feelings for him

Let him know how much you care by taking the time to write him a letter. Express why you love him and how much he means to you. Tell him about all of your favorite memories together. Explain how much you’re looking forward to your future as a couple. 

14. Take him fishing.

There are so many ways to go fishing– at a pond or lake, off of a pier or bridge, or on a boat. Many areas offer equipment rental if you don’t have any. 

couple playing video games birthday ideas for boyfriend

If you’re lucky enough to live near the ocean, consider spending the day on a party boat where the crew does most of the work for you. (Just be sure to tip them!)

15. Go on a road trip.

Sometimes it’s nice just to get away, even if it’s only overnight or for the day

Spend some time in a nearby town or city you’ve talked about exploring together. Walk around downtown, visit the local shops, and dine at a local restaurant. As an added bonus, book a hotel room with a jacuzzi tub to end his special day in style. 

16. Give him the same number of presents as his age.

Getting older isn’t always fun. Make it better by giving him several presents to open, one for each year he’s been alive.

If he’s turning 30, for example, then give him thirty presents! 

This one can get pricey, so be sure to budget accordingly. Even small gadgets you know he’ll love count. You might include a pocket knife, scratch-off lottery tickets, slippers, a book, a t-shirt, a coffee mug, a six-pack of his favorite beer, and so on. 

17. Rent a limo.

There’s something about the luxury and extravagance of limos that make you feel so special. Make him feel like a movie star and hire a limo to chauffeur you around for the evening. 

Keep it intimate with just the two of you, or invite friends along to enjoy the excitement with you. Even if you don’t go anywhere specific, simply riding around in one is a good time. Come prepared with snacks and drinks. 

18. Go to a carnival.

You don’t have to be kids to enjoy rides, games, and delicious grub! 

Head to a carnival or amusement park for the day. Share a funnel cake, cuddle up in the haunted house, kiss at the top of the ferris wheel, scream your heads off on the rollercoasters, and show off your ring-tossing skills to win him a prize. 

19. Create a collage.

Gather a bunch of pictures and put them together into a collage. Include things you’ve done together as well as pics of you individually. Tell a story with it – such as your last road trip or holiday together– or choose random photos.

Then have it printed and framed. Or get more creative and have your collage put on a blanket, t-shirt, coffee mug, or canvas. 

20. Take him to a game.

There’s something about attending live sporting events that’s so much better than watching them on TV. The atmosphere, the energy, the competition, the fans, the food, and the drinks. Ahhh. 

If he’s into sports, take him to see a baseball, football, hockey, or basketball game– whatever is currently in season. Even golf can be a good time.

In fact, this can be a lot of fun, even if he isn’t a big sports guy. 

21. Book a private movie showing.

Sure, you can go to the movies any day of the week. But it’s often crowded with people talking throughout the whole thing.

Why not book a private showing? Many theaters rent out whole auditoriums for watch sessions and allow you to bring a number of friends and family. Doing it this way ensures you can all sit together and relax in comfort.

While it can get costly depending on the package you choose, you’d be surprised how affordable it can be. 

22. Host a food and drink pairing.

Whether it’s wine, beer, cocktails, or non-alcoholic drinks like juice, tea, or soda, well-paired food and drinks bring out amazing flavors in each other.

Decide on a few varieties of his favorite drink (IPAs, sours, red or white wine, etc.) and then search the internet for what goes well together. Have a full dinner with courses, or keep it more casual with just appetizers or desserts. 

Enjoy privately or invite some friends over to share the experience.

23. Reconnect with old friends.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, leaving little time for old friends who might not live nearby. 

So why not make it an extraordinary birthday and surprise him by inviting his old high school buddies, college roommate, or other friends from his past to celebrate the occasion? He’ll be thrilled for the chance to reconnect with important pals. And it will make him appreciate you even more!

24. Prepare a treasure hunt.

Who doesn’t love a good treasure hunt? It’s creative and fun and sure to be memorable!

Prepare clues or riddles to take him from one place to the next, eventually leading to a final destination where his birthday present awaits him. It can be a party, an event, an experience, or a more traditional wrapped gift. Or make the treasure hunt itself the present.

Either way, he’ll love your creativity and the thought you put into it. This is one he won’t forget.

25. Throw a themed party.

Have a birthday party for him but not just any party. Instead, add a personal touch by customizing it according to something he loves – the way kid’s parties center around what they like– dinosaurs, superheroes, princesses, Disney, etc.

girl surprising her boyfriend with a gift birthday ideas for boyfriend

Does he have a favorite video game, TV show, comic book, or sport? Theme the decorations, food, and drinks. Maybe even have hats or t-shirts made. 

Or have a disco, costume, or murder mystery-themed party. 

26. Volunteer together. 

Does he have a favorite cause he loves to support? Support it with him by volunteering. Check out local animal shelters, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, etc.

Not only is this a fantastic way to give back and spread love, but your joining him will show him that you care and make him appreciate you even more. 

27. Ask for his input.

Have you racked your brain and still can’t decide what to do for your boyfriend’s birthday? 

Rather than stress yourself out with unnecessary pressure, simply leave it up to him. Ask him in advance how he wants to spend his day and let him know you’re up for whatever he chooses. 

Just make sure you are up for whatever he chooses– no complaining!

Surprise your boyfriend with one of these unique birthday ideas to illustrate your love for him. Your thoughtfulness and creativity will bring you closer and make him love and appreciate you even more.

Birthdays are one of those special moments in our man's life. Spend your boyfriend's birthday in a unique way with these birthday ideas for your boyfriend.


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