If You Have These 19 Traits, You Might Be A Beta Woman




People frequently confuse beta and omega personality types.

They mistakenly assume betas are at the bottom of the hierarchical pyramid, but in truth, they’re the second tier. 

To put it another way: Betas reign in the absence of alphas. 

It’s a distinctive position with a unique set of potential peaks and valleys. 

And today, we’re breaking it all down, specifically as it relates to female personality types.

What Is a Beta Female Personality? 

Generally speaking, a beta woman is the second in command on the social hierarchy scale.

Colloquially speaking, they’re often the “best friend” of a more dominant alpha female. And while they frequently fulfill the “sidekick” role when it comes to friendships, beta females are much more.

Overall they are known to:

  • Care deeply about other people and the world around them
  • Are humbly confident and not pushovers
  • Value honesty, loyalty, and respect
  • Help people in need
  • Don’t like to command attention

In other words: beta women are dependable buddies who will always have your back — unless you cross them.

19 Beta Female Traits You Need to Know 

The female beta personality is distinguished by a unique set of good and bad traits. 

Before we begin, it’s important to remember that social hierarchy frameworks are contextual and fluid.

Someone can be a beta at work and an alpha at home, a gamma among their friend group, and an omega in their family pecking order.

women smiling sitting outdoors Beta Female Traits

So nothing is static when it comes to social hierarchy theory.

That said, the categories provide a framework you can use as a general personality guide for yourself and others.

With that in mind, let’s explore the traits of a beta female.

1. She’s a Sidekick Follower

Not everyone is a top dog — aka, an alpha — and that’s okay! Beta females typically fulfill the “sidekick” role. 

Ultimately, they’re always in the mix but play a “support” role. 

Some people make snap judgments and see the second-tier status as a minus, but it’s a great position to hold. You’re firmly in the inner circle as a beta female but don’t need to worry about the stress that comes along with being the leader.

2. She’s the Mediator

Beta females are usually happy with their positions at work and in social circles. As such, they may not deal with issues associated with a lack of contentment, like depression, anxiety, and excessive stress. 

Resultantly, they have the emotional and psychological energy to be neutral mediators and help others come to compromises and resolve conflicts.  

3. She Can Be Very Caring

Beta females generally enjoy their lives and have no aspirations of becoming the pack leader. Their capacity for compassion is high, and they’re often expert caregivers.

Betas are the ladies who will check up on you when you’re ill or even get food delivered to your house as a surprise. The opposite of narcissists, betas try to improve the world for everyone.  

4. She’s Highly Ethical (Sometimes to a Fault)

Beta women believe in doing the right thing. In many cases, they’ve reached their position by being straight arrows who tell the truth, keep their unsolicited opinions to themselves, and always finish their tasks.  

On the flip side, beta ladies may brush their negative opinions under the rug, let them fester, and then one day, stench-filled issues start seeping out. In these cases, beta ladies’ thoughts about how folks should act may not consider other people’s personality styles.

5. She’s Very Organized

Many beta females are very organized and type-A. Why?

They’re often tasked with planning and do it well to keep their hierarchical positions. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, betas may not be freighted with other emotional issues since they’re content where they are, and part of that is being conscientious and organized.

6. She’s Disciplined

Women with beta personalities aren’t afraid of hard work, and they understand that reaching goals requires discipline. 

At home, betas plan meals and don’t mind taking on domestic responsibilities. 

two women having coffee together Beta Female Traits

At work, they’re the ones who will happily accept more assignments to ensure success for the greater good. (They’re also smart and do what they can to make themselves indispensable for job security.)

7. She Can Be Passive-Aggressive

Every personality type has its quirks, and passive-aggressiveness is a hallmark of beta females. Since they don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings, they may hold things in. 

Simultaneously, at times, they may want to get a particular point across, and their release valve is passive aggression. 

8. She’s Feminine

Many beta ladies are very feminine. They often believe in traditional gender roles and love being treated like a prize. Not in a submissive way; instead, they appreciate being valued. Furthermore, beta ladies enjoy being courted and almost always want potential partners to make the first move.

9. She Can Be Very Spiritual

As discussed, beta women are highly moral, and an extension of that is being very spiritual. They often believe a divine force guides their paths, and they take devotion very seriously. 

In most cases, betas won’t force their spiritual beliefs on others. Not only do they not want to push others’ buttons unnecessarily, but they understand that spirituality is a personal journey.

10. She’s Highly Sensitive

Women with beta personality styles are often hypersensitive. While they have high emotional IQs, they also fall on the sweeter side of the scale and may not always understand why people behave ghastly or unkindly.

Moreover, other folks may take advantage of beta ladies since they’re so giving, which can be hurtful. And while they can take constructive criticism on the chin, nitpicking eats away at their soul. 

11. She’s a Problem-Solver

Betas are the best employees and family “managers.” Not only do they put their hearts and souls into their responsibilities, but they often see the bigger picture and are skilled at devising compromises. 

On the downside, others may expect betas to solve all problems that arise, even when it’s not their job, which can lead to resentment.  

12. She’s Wise

Beta ladies are detail-oriented and observant. They’ve taken the time to understand how the world works, and effective ways humans can navigate it. Resultantly, betas tend to be wise. Coupled with their penchant for measured action, beta females tend not to face too many obstacles of their own making. 

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13. She Likes Working Behind the Scenes

Alphas love the spotlight; beta women prefer operating it. The “tier two” ladies rarely have an iota of desire to be centerstage. But don’t assume it’s because they lack confidence. In fact, most females who fall into the category are quite self-assured.

So why aren’t they elbowing their way up front? For starters, they’re comfortable with themselves and typically don’t need sustained adulation from other people to feel secure. Moreover, beta females tend to be sensitive, so voluntarily putting themselves up for public consumption and potential ridicule isn’t high on their list. 

14. She’s a People Pleaser

People-pleasing is a complicated dynamic. At times, it can be a plus. In others, people-pleasing can lead to emotional and mental health hurdles. Since beta ladies are natural caregivers who like to make folks feel better about themselves, they often develop unctuous habits that can lead to emotional burnout. 

woman working together at office desk beta female traits

15. She’s Conflict-Avoidant

In addition to being people-pleasers, beta women tend to be conflict-avoidant. Arguments and disagreements are about as tolerable to them as being stuck on a 15-hour flight with a wailing baby and no headphones. 

Sometimes, being the person to walk away from a fight is honorable and the right thing to do. Other times, however, it can lead to pent-up resentment that eventually explodes.  

16. She May Be Introverted

Not all beta women are introverted, but it’s common among the category. Spending a lot of time tending to others’ needs — the proverbial outlook of the typical beta lady — sucks energy and patience. As such, they may need more alone time to replenish their mental, physical, and emotional levels.  

17. She’s Quietly Ambitious

Ambition is an admirable quality, so long as one goes about it ethically and others don’t get needlessly hurt in the process. Beta females are skilled at walking this tightrope. While they want to do the best job possible, they typically stay in their lanes and don’t let their ambition reach an evil inflection point.  

18. She Has No Problem Taking Orders

Pick a few beta ladies if you need to build the best team. Not only do they have an excellent executive function and administrative skills, but their sensibilities aren’t assaulted when superiors throw out orders. In a sense, betas are ideal “soldiers.”  

An extension of this trait is their respect for hierarchical frameworks and authority.  

19. She’s Romantic

Beta females keep the romance industry in business. They love period dramas, romantic comedies, and epic proposals. They want to be swept off their feet and “treated like a lady.” 

Some beta females may take this a bit far and blind themselves to relationship red flags, which can lead to severe heartbreak.  

Alpha Female vs. Beta Female: What’s the Difference?

Alpha and beta females often form strong bonds as they share certain traits. Furthermore, their friendship goals frequently align. However, they differ in a few key areas:

  • Competitiveness: Alpha ladies crave status, prestige, and power. They want to lead the pack and will stop at nothing to win at all costs. On the other hand, Beta ladies are typically only concerned with competing with themselves and don’t have the “killer instinct.”
  • Leadership Abilities: Alphas excel at taking charge; betas shine when fulfilling requests. The former is more decisive, while others’ expectations and desires can influence the latter. 
  • Charisma: Alpha females tend to command rooms. They’re the women who walk into a space, and everyone takes notice. They’re also often exceptionally charming and know how to enliven conversations without crossing the line. Betas aren’t awkward; in fact, most are extraordinarily kind and pleasant. But they’re usually not the “stars” of an event or party.
  • Assertiveness: Beta ladies are more laid back than alpha ones. They don’t crawl and scratch to change the situation if something doesn’t go their way. Instead, betas accept the obstacles and make adjustments. Alphas, however, may turn to extreme measures to get what they want.    

How To Become a Beta Female 

In one regard, we are who we are, and trying to be something that we are not usually ends in disaster and discontent. On the flip side, we all have the power to shape who we want to be — the power to grow and change.

But how? What can you do to fulfill the beta female role without fundamentally changing your personality? We’ve got a few suggestions.  

Do Mindfulness Exercises

Beta ladies aren’t scatterbrained and tend to be emotionally healthy. How can you achieve the same? Studies prove that mindfulness exercises — like meditation and yoga — improve one’s ability to focus on the present instead of living in the past or fretting about the future. Moreover, mindfulness work boosts cognitive function.

Set and Aim for Goals

People who set and strive for clear and achievable goals tend to be more content than folks who aimlessly wander through life. Women with beta personalities typically excel at what they set their minds to and enjoy the journey as much as the outcome.  

Strive for Self-Contentment

Female betas aren’t trying to win awards or court recognition. While they appreciate being valued and helpful, they don’t try to impress others with the goal of acquiring accolades. Instead, they figure out what makes them happy and shoot for that.  

Avid Readers

Beta women are compassionate and empathetic. They enjoy being helpful and are naturally drawn to caretaking positions. Interestingly, research shows that people who read more fiction and non-fiction tend to look upon their fellow man through kinder lenses. Reading is a window into others’ realities, helping us to gain insight and extend grace to people who aren’t exactly like us.   

Address Buried Trauma

Individuals with beta personalities are usually calm, cool, and collected. They have high emotional intelligence and understand the importance of mental health. Reaching this point, however, requires unearthing and addressing buried traumas that may be wreaking havoc on your thoughts and behavior. 

Final Thoughts

Being a beta female is nowhere near a bad thing. Every personality type has its high and low points — as is the case with betas. But overall, women who fall into the category usually have relatively smooth lives, thanks to their level-headedness, discipline, and good natures. 

But don’t make the mistake of underestimating beta females. While they may be accommodating, betas aren’t pushovers, and they don’t tolerate disrespect.


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