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Tag results for: nuclear deal

Opinion | Iran Exploits Biden’s Fecklessness

Neglecting Gulf allies while trying to revive the nuclear deal is a recipe for regional instability. Source link

Opinion | Iran’s Ballistic Missiles and the Folly of Appeasement

When regime-backed Houthi rebels fired on a base housing U.S. soldiers, Team Biden deflected. Source link

Opinion | Iran’s Mullahs Throw Biden a Lifeline

Supporting freedom would aid U.S. interests and take a toll on Russia. Source link

Opinion | The Growing U.S.-Saudi Rift Is Déjà Vu All Over Again

Biden repeats some of Nixon’s mistakes in dealing with Riyadh and Tehran and makes some new ones. Source link

Opinion | Israel’s ‘Iron Triangle of Peace’

Soft power is effectual only when you can back it up with military and economic strength. Source link

Opinion | The Iranian Protesters Need to Hear Our Voices

Iranians are rallying around the slogan “Woman, Life, Freedom.” But their revolution has a second slogan, aimed at those outside Iran: “Be Our Voice.” We ignore it at...

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