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Opinion | Biden, Iran, and the Crown Prince



President Biden visits Saudi Arabia this weekend to meet with Gulf Arab leaders, including the Saudi crown prince he once vowed to isolate. America’s left is giving the President grief for meeting with Mohammed bin Salman, the erstwhile “pariah,” but realpolitik has its demands. The U.S. needs a better relationship with the Saudis for regional security as much as for oil.

The trip so far is proving to be good news on more than one front. On his stop in Israel, Mr. Biden showed little of the hostility toward the Jewish state that so marked President Obama’s tenure. Mr. Obama and his Secretary of State, John Kerry, wasted years and political capital trying to force a Palestinian-Israel solution that had no chance of happening as long as Hamas and other radicals swear to destroy Israel. The Biden White House isn’t giving up hope, but it has other priorities.

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