23.5 C



How much should a house down payment be?

Whether you’re buying a home for the first time or you’re a seasoned homeowner looking for some new digs, you may be wondering how much to put down...

Warren Buffett describes what’s in his will

Warren Buffett has been one of the biggest supporters of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for years, donating more than $39 billion. But when he dies, so...

Russians rethink divorce as government raises fees eightfold to fund war effort

Russia is planning to ratchet up eightfold a fee on divorces as Moscow seeks more revenue to fund President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, while also discouraging people...

Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary sees pay packet jump to $5 million as he chases 9-figure bonus

Michael O’Leary has come agonizingly close to securing his bumper $108 million bonus this year. Still, the Ryanair CEO can at least comfort himself with an increased multi-million...

‘Oh, Joe’: Undecided voters are despondent at Biden’s debate appearance

That gasp, from patrons at a Chicago bar when President Joe Biden first stumbled verbally in his debate with Donald Trump, spoke for a lot of Americans on Thursday night. In watch...

Patagonia has given some staff 3 days to decide whether they’ll relocate close to the office—or quit

As many as 90 Patagonia staff members could be let go from the company for living too far from its offices, after the sustainable outdoors brand ordered remote...

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5 ways to keep work from getting in the way of your relationship

Do you spend more time in bed with your laptop, answering Slack messages, than you do with your partner? Then it may be...

How to Support a Grieving Friend, Family Member or Coworker

Has this ever happened to you? Your uncle calls to tell you that your aunt has finally succumbed to cancer. You’re scrolling through social media...

Top Democrats close ranks around Biden after disastrous debate as potential replacements Whitmer and Newsom back the president

President Joe Biden worked forcefully Friday to quell Democratic anxieties over his unsteady showing in his debate with former President Donald Trump, as elected members...

A year after a record-breaking summer for travel, Americans are still dead set on getting away. Some are putting off major life milestones to...

But to meet their vacation plans, consumers must continue to grapple with inflation and high prices, and nearly half of survey respondents said...

Opinion | ‘Inside Out 2’ Is a Rebuttal to ‘Barbie’

The new movie delivers an important message: Don’t blame the outside world for your problems. Source link