Home Opinion Opinion | The True Heroes in Kansas City

Opinion | The True Heroes in Kansas City

Opinion | The True Heroes in Kansas City


Drue Tranquill, a linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs, was understandably exuberant as he took part in the parade Wednesday celebrating his team’s victory in the Super Bowl. He high-fived admirers, hoisted the Vince Lombardi championship trophy in the air, and bellowed hoarsely into the microphones of local television reporters. “I love you guys!” he called to a sea of adoring fans.

Within the hour, Mr. Tranquill was using different words to address the people of Kansas City. On social media he asked for prayers for the victims of the gunshots that were fired near the parade route.

One of Mr. Tranquill’s entreaties in particular stood out:

“Pray that doctors & first responders would have steady hands.”

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