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Tag results for: world economic forum

Leaders at Davos can fix our fragmented world by answering a simple question: How wealthy does one person need to be? A capitalist is...

This week, over 2,700 world leaders attended the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. During their stay in the Swiss ski resort, elites from business, politics,...

WEF: ‘We have everything we need to speed up the energy transition. It’s time to tackle humanity’s greatest challenge’

If you’ve followed recent climate headlines, you know the climate news is tough. The plans we have won’t meet much-needed targets. We’re cutting emissions but not making headway...

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Tinder Writes Its Own Romcoms For the Dating App Era

Samantha slips from a ladder while reaching for a book in the library, but just at the right moment, John steps in to...

The Verge’s guide to moving

Moving is one of the most stressful events that can happen in your life. It takes a lot of time and effort, it’s...

The best way to get rid of all the clutter you don’t need

I’ve accumulated a surprising amount of stuff in the three years I’ve been in my apartment. A lot of it will be coming...

Britain’s new PM dubbed a ‘part-timer’ for saying he won’t work past 6 p.m. on Fridays

The newly elected leader recently revealed that for years, he has “protected” that time to spend it with his family, including a 16-year-old...

We reviewed 1,200 studies to understand how childhood shapes the leaders we are today. Here’s what we found

Today, most of us spent our day on autopilot, moving from meeting to meeting with little or no time to think things through....